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Alternative Legal Services (ALS)



C o r p o r a t e  I n v e s t i g a t i o n s :

Our investigative due diligence capability provides a consultative approach to clients undertaking new and significant projects, whether underwriting an IPO, considering a merger or acquisition, participating in a joint venture or entering a new marketplace. The risk of fraud exists in every organization including all industries, entity types, functional departments, and geographic areas. iResolve’s team of credentialed forensic investigation experts providing both proactive and reactive forensic services leveraging extensive information technology tools and seasoned expertise.

E s c r o w  A g e n t :

We also act as escrow agent for diverse transactions, holding property assets on your behalf during a transaction or following a dispute across a broad range of transactions, including: corporate financing; disputed assets and legal settlements; fund asset acquisitions and divestments; complex project financing; debt, equity and hybrid market transactions; liquidations and administrations; and multi-party transactions.

C o n t r a c t  A u d i t s  “H e a l t h  C h e c k ”:

Our specialist commercial contract advisory consultancy provides swift, simple solutions focused on our client’s defined successful outcomes promoting continued stable relationships as the foundation for these wherever possible. This service touches on all areas relating to the negotiation and drafting of commercial agreements and provides general commercial legal advice.


The main aspects of our outsourced legal transcription services is mainly in aiding the law firms, legal agencies, court reporters, prosecutors, and attorneys in transcribing testimony, pleadings, interrogatories, legal examinations, arbitrations, and feedbacks related to the hearings which are recorded on any voice systems: Arbitrations hearings,Witness Statements, Court hearings /proceedings, Corporate Meeting Minutes, Administrative/Tribunal Hearings, Depositions, Disciplinary Hearings and also Interrogations.

Our experienced and competent legal transcriptionists are well-versed in the terminology that is unique to the legal profession. We’re also committed to preparing your legal documents promptly and with unsurpassed attention to detail.